Attract & Retain Gen Z: 3 Actions to Take

published on 05 July 2024

Generation Z, born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, is set to comprise 30% of the workforce by 2025, shaping the future of leadership and innovation.

The challenge for employers is clear: meet Gen Z’s high expectations for flexibility, purposeful work, and digital innovation. The reward? A digital-savvy, adaptable, and values-driven workforce that can transform your company culture into one that’s dynamic, inclusive, and forward-thinking.

Understanding Gen Z’s Unique Perspective

Gen Z’s workplace expectations are not just a list of demands; they are a reflection of their deeply held values. This digitally native generation seeks flexible work environments, security, diversity, professional development, corporate social responsibility, and a healthy work-life balance.


1. Align Company Values with Gen Z’s Aspirations

Consider shouting about how your values align with this generation, your website and social channels should demonstrate how you...

🤸 Champion Flexibility:

Offer remote work options and flexible hours to honour their need for autonomy. A LinkedIn survey revealed that 72% of Gen Z is most likely to have either left or considered leaving a job because their employer did not offer a feasible flexible work policy.

🌈 Cultivate Diversity and Inclusion:

Build a culture that celebrates diversity and fosters belonging.  77% of Gen Z find it important to work for a company that cares about diversity, equity, and inclusion.  They want to work in environments that reflect a commitment to these values through policies and practices that promote a diverse workforce.

🌏 Demonstrate Corporate Social Responsibility:

Actively participate in initiatives that reflect Gen Z’s commitment to social and environmental causes. For example, Patagonia has become a favourite among Gen Z due to its commitment to environmental conservation.

2. Offer Balance & Benefits 

To effectively attract and retain Gen Z employees, consider providing a range of benefits tailored to their needs.

🧘‍♀️ Work-Life Balance:

Gen Z highly values work-life balance, often willing to prioritise it over higher salaries. Offering flexible working hours and remote work options can significantly enhance job satisfaction. Though, a whopping 83% of Gen Z workers express a preference for in-person communication from managers.

💡Offering flexible working hours and remote work options can significantly enhance job satisfaction; consider a blended work environments where they get both the flexibility of remote time and in-person time with managers and leaders.

💰 Competitive Salary and Financial Security:

Given the fact they've grown up in austerity, then the pandemic, then the cost of living crisis, salary still remains a crucial factor, and their lack of financial literacy adds to their stress. Gen Z wants a good pay and values financial stability, including benefits like private healthcare and financial wellbeing support​. 

💡They are aware of 'how bad the economy is', but they've not had significant financial education to make the best of the wages they earn, can you provide it? Consider in-person team lunch and learns, or individual drop-in sessions. 

🏋️‍♂️ Health and Wellbeing Programs:

82% want companies to offer mental health days, and physical, mental, and wellbeing programs are highly appreciated. This includes memberships, access to mental health services, and initiatives that promote a healthy work-life balance​.

💡 Can you make a deal with the local gym or leisure centre to offer discount or free membership? or even start a walking, stretching, or wellbeing group at lunchtime.

3. Create a Culture of Continuous Learning

Unlike previous generations where education was structured and largely happened at an institution, this generation has grown up with learning on demand, 24/7 and in the palm of their hand, and there is no sign of that slowing down.

🚀 Promote Career Development Programs.

Continuous learning and development are essential for Gen Z. They look for employers who invest in their career growth through training programs, mentorship, and clear progression pathways.

💡Consider co-creating flexible learning plans and roadmaps, and allow them to explore other areas of the business and receive mentoring from leaders. 

👨‍💻 Provide Ongoing Digital Upskilling

60% of Gen Z expect their employers to provide training on emerging technologies such as generative AI, indicating an awareness of digital tools to improve their workload, and a keenness for continuous skill development.

💡 There is an abundance of digital badges and digital upskilling platforms, many are free, allow them time to learn. Consider creating annual learning roadmaps and teaming them up with peers to explore and feedback on new/ useful tools together.

Crucially, above all I've mentioned here... Sit down and talk to your young team members. My suggestions are largely based on the macro socio-demographic of a generation, but nothing is as important as the micro level of the personal relationship you can build with the Gen Z in your team. Give them a voice, listen, and respond with a 'package' that work for them, and you. 

You've got this 😎✌️

Gem Hallett

miFuture Founder & MD

Only 19% of companies had a Skills Plan for 2024, if I can help with your Skills Plan for 2025, just let me know.

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