Community Update Q4 2024

published on 17 January 2025

New here? Go to our Q3 update here.

Hey miFuture Community,

As we wrap up 2024, I’m excited to share the latest developments and milestones we've achieved. Your unwavering support and feedback have been instrumental in our journey, and I’m thrilled to update you on our progress.

Through the gamification of skills, Skill Bursts will raise awareness of high-valued careers and help young adults build future-fit skills that improve their labour market position.

In 2025, our community can expect a game-changer in how school leavers find their way to higher-valued careers and how we are pre-skilling emerging talent for growing industries. We are initially aligning with digital careers in FinTech, Compound Semi-Conductors, and Gaming. Thanks to FinTech Wales, CSConnected, and Esports Wales for their collaboration.

I’m excited to share the latest developments and milestones we've achieved in wrapping up Q4 2024:

1. Hyperlocal Pilot Planning

We’re gearing up for our hyperlocal pilot in Q2 2025. This pilot is a big step forward, allowing us to refine our deliverables and collaborate closely with local stakeholders.

We plan to pilot with 50 Level 3 Learners within the Cardiff Capital Region, and our objectives are:

  1. Improve learners’ understanding of the Qualities, Soft Skills and Digital Skills needed for the future of work.
  2. Improve learners’ understanding of education and training pathways into growing sectors and industries.
  3. Develop and apply career management knowledge to take advantage of opportunities on these career pathways.

2. Skill Bursts Curriculum

This quarter, we’ve been busy creating our bespoke curriculum to achieve the above outcomes. We believe we can provide an exciting learning experience in 5-minute microlessons. It’s a challenge, but an exciting one to take on!

3. Enhanced User Experience

Based on your feedback, we’ve made several enhancements to our platform. We’ve streamlined the user interface to make navigation more intuitive and engaging. Our commitment to user-centred design remains strong, ensuring that our solutions align with your needs and preferences. We’re prioritising progressive learning and assessment methods over game play... which brings me on to our final point...

4. UX! Education vs. Game

We’ve had mixed reviews on whether the platform should feel more like an educational tool or a game experience. Initially, we focused on the latter but have since decided to pull back on the gaming mechanics and lean more towards an edtech platform. This is a short-term priority while we work on finding a balance where game elements can add to the learning experience, not distract from it.

Gamification in learning has a tremendous impact, and it remains a key element of our USP, but we need a little more time to understand how we best integrate gameplay and skill learning.

Looking Ahead to Q1 2025 🚀

Looking forward to 2025, we are filled with optimism and excitement. Our focus will be to complete 80% of platform development, refine the Skill Bursts Curriculum, improve our assessment methods, benefitting from AI integration with Stable, and explore building a ‘5-minute’ microlearning brand with OhBlimey!. We remain as committed as ever to empowering young people with the understanding and pathways they need for successful digital careers.

If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out. We value your input and are committed to building a solution that benefits all members of our network.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement. Together, we are making significant strides toward a brighter future for young adults.

Gem  Hallett, miFuture Founder | @miFutureHQ

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