New here? Read our previous community update here.
I am excited to share with you an update on our Skill Burst project.
"Through the gamification of skills, Skill Bursts will raise awareness of high valued careers and help young adults build future fit skills that improve their labour market position.”
Firstly, we would like to thank you for your continued support and involvement. Your ongoing feedback and insights are invaluable in shaping a solution befit us all.
We have made considerable progress since our last update. Our team has been working diligently to ensure that we are meeting our milestones.
We completed the muti-stakeholder engagement; a series of 1 to 1 and group interviews, which help define problem statements from employers, employment support, educators, adult learners, etc.
The most significant milestone being our Innovation Day on November 22, 2023, where we were joined by our stakeholders and innovators to generate ideas and share interpretations of Skill Bursts as a solution. Again, let me thank those that joined us, you genuinely blew us away with your ideas and energy. (Couldn't make it? You can review the event here.)

Since then, we have begun conversations with a local tech team to achieve the next significant milestone: developing a demo to test with stakeholders.
To achieve this milestone, we have the following actions for Q1 2024:
- Map the learning and assessment of problem solving skills
- Link the above assessment criteria to unlock suitable future fit skilling opportunities
- Bring the above together by designing wire frames of user journeys
- Game design bootcamp (March): The creation of problem solving games
What has become evident since our Innovation Day event is that success will require the fusion of 2 tech components:
1.) Game design element and 2.) Intelligent match-making engine.
If you can offer expertise into either of these actions or tech components, we would love to hear from you in this next phase.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We value your feedback and are committed to ensuring that we are building a solution for all engaged in this network.
Let’s get to it!
Gem Hallett, miFuture Founder | @miFutureHQ
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